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Nancy Giles to politicians: Stop the hypocrisy

Nancy Giles to politicians: Stop the hypocrisy - (CBS News) Echoes of the South Carolina presidential debates are still reverberating for many of us, including contributor Nancy Giles:

Want to know what makes me crazy?

In the recent South Carolina debate Newt Gingrich responded to a question about his second wife's charge that he'd asked for an open marriage. Gingrich replied, "I am appalled that you would begin a Presidential debate on a topic like that . . . the story is false . . . I'm tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama and attacking Republicans."

I hate that, because I work in television, which is "the media," and we get a bad rap for everything. We're an easy target and always good for a "mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" crowd pleaser.

Sometimes we deserve the criticism. But when "the media" is used as a smokescreen, well, I have a problem with that.

There was a LOT of smoke blowing at Thursday night's Republican presidential debate in South Carolina . . . and it smelled like hypocrisy.

continue reading => Nancy Giles to politicians: Stop the hypocrisy

1 comment

Jack Reylan said...

Hypocite Google already censors plenty. They keep you from viewing politically incorrect passages from Google Books. They censor politically incorrect usenet posts (they banned me for attacking Caroline Kennedy but not others who did worse). They allow trial lawyers to spread panic and false information through their search engines. They allow marketers to block lower price competitors. Do you remember when Reagan used Foreign Agent Registration to ban Canadian anti-war films, then the multi-culturalists used the same law to ban evidence vindicating the Serbs? Do you remember when Obama tried to label the Tea Party as domestic terror, just like Janet Reno did to the Militias? This is why Bush was a fool to pass the Patriot Act, which Obama can use against real patriots.

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