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Gilad Shalit was reunited with his family in Israel

Gilad Shalit was reunited with his family in Israel - The Israeli soldiers who returned to Israel today, after more than five years as a prisoner of Hamas met his parents, Noam and Aviva Tel Nof base in the military.

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Gilad Shalit was 19 when was the last time I saw him before he was kidnapped by terrorists in the Gaza border. The family has in the past five years, a campaign for the release of his son and moved to a protest tent opposite the Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem to celebrate, to his disappointment.

Gilad Shalit 'was well received by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed. Netanyahu told reporters that led to Sergeant Shalit and hugged his parents. "I told them, 'I return your son home to you," he said.

"Now, now, Gilad home to his family, his people in his state. It is a very difficult decision. Before my eyes was the need for the return was sent to the battlefield by the State of Israel."

According to the IDF, the transmission of the first 477 Palestinian prisoners were released as part of the agreement, with the support of the International Committee of the Red Cross said.

During his imprisonment, Sergeant Gilad Shalit, Hamas has reiterated the Red Cross access to the soldiers refused.

That was the news about Gilad Shalit was reunited with his family in Israel. may be useful...

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