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Gilad Shalit Hamas handed over to Israel

Gilad Shalit Hamas handed over to Israel - Soldier in "good health" after delivery in Egypt, as the transfer of 477 Palestinian prisoners began under the swap agreement.

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The Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was handed over to Israeli authorities in Egypt as a prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel started.

In an interview on Egyptian television in Rafah, Gilad Shalit said he hoped the agreement would permit the release of peace between Israelis and Palestinians on Tuesday to help.

"I'll be very happy if all Palestinian prisoners are released, so they can return to their families [...] I hope that this agreement could contribute to peace between Israelis and Palestinians and strengthen cooperation," he said.

He said he feared that in captivity for "several years" before, but was "very happy", headed home.

Gilad Shalit is held by Israel for the first time in five years and four months, told Al Jazeera Cal Perry in Jerusalem.

It was by the Israeli army officers and doctors received a statement, the military said.

"Coming at a time when Gilad Shalit SFC [Israeli army] transferred the base near the crossing, where he spoke with his family on the phone and a medical examination. Soon after, in an [Israeli Air Force flights are] a helicopter [Israeli military] base in central Israel, where he met with his family, "the statement said.

Early Tuesday morning on Gilad Shalit to Egyptian authorities to deliver the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

Groups of Palestinian prisoners are now covered by the bus sent to Gaza from Rafah, a correspondent for Al Jazeera, said Nicole Johnston, from the moment of crossing the border, where the military wing of Hamas in power.

Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros in Cairo, said Gilad Shalit was reported that in "good health" and was accompanied by an arrivals terminal in Rafah, by Ahmad Jabbari, head of the military wing of Hamas Al-Qassam before he was transferred to Israel.

Earlier, Israel, left 96 Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of Ketziot, Ofer military camp near the West Bank city of Ramallah, related public radio reported Tuesday morning.

Another 334 were at the Kerem Shalom, the southernmost point of the border between Israel and Gaza moved. The first prisoners were dressed in civilian hands and feet tied, says radio report.

A motorcade left the Israeli prison in the Naqab Katsiout on the border with Egypt before dawn Tuesday. Vehicles, prisoners also left Hasharon Prison in central Israel.

"The feeling of excitement"

"There is a sense of excitement [with] the flags on the houses, villages put up signs," he told Al Jazeera Charles Stratford Beituniya of the border.

"Usually, the only way through the West Bank ... There is a sense that it is a national victory, if desired. Some say a historic day for the occupied Palestinian territory here," he said.

The sense of excitement quickly evaporated when Beituniya but due to a last minute change of plans, it was announced that the prisoners did not pass through the checkpoints.

The announcement caused the stones to throw at the checkpoint collected after the Israeli army fired tear gas.

Progressive transfer of activities

The process of exchanging prisoners, Gilad Shalit, starting with a Red Cross representative or an Egyptian official in Gaza, which confirm that Israel was still alive and was released in good health.

Israel was to release 27 prisoners and women who Gilad Shalit has been in the Egyptian Sinai to cross.

Gilad Shalit, now 25, was captured in June 2006 by the fighters who ruled Israel from the Gaza Strip by Hamas crossed.

After his death, is by helicopter base in Tel Nof Air Force Base in southern Israel, where they are by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader and other close relatives are controlled receipts. Later, travel to his home in northern Israel.

Israel said a contingent of more than 1,000 high degree of security police to protect the convoy routes used, and Israel and Hamas, there is no strict control over the information that has been adopted according to Gilad Shalit.

The exchange will be launched in two phases in which a total of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners, the day began after the Israeli Supreme Court rejects appeals to block the deal.

Relatives of Israelis killed by Palestinians, the court released some had tried to intervene, but dismissed the complaint and said the problem was a political decision outside its domain.

Celebrate prepared

Hamas declared Tuesday a holiday, and erected a huge platform in the city of Gaza Katiba Park, where plans for the transport of prisoners after crossing from Egypt into the Palestinian enclave.

Ismail Haniyeh, the prime minister and members of the Hamas de facto government in Gaza, the leaders of other groups, parents, and tens of thousands of spectators are expected to accommodate prisoners.

Three days of celebrations around the occupied West Bank, planned to return the greeting with President Mahmoud Abbas prisoners.

But not everyone is celebrating. More than 4,000 Palestinian "security prisoners" who remain in Israeli jails.

Just a short walk in the park Katiba have parents bring a tent to show solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike on September 27, because Israel is a part of their privileges, including the possibility that a degree issued the study.

Sari Makdisi, a writer and professor at the University of California, told Al Jazeera that the value of exchange of prisoners to be overestimated.

"We must remember that the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, literally, on a daily basis, usually ten times a day, an average of 300 to 400 attacks per month," he said.

"In all these raids, prisoner after prisoner gathering, as catching a month on average, 300 to 400 prisoners under international law, which took place in terrible circumstances.

Be the first release of the prisoners released, 297 and 117 will be released in Gaza, West Bank back, including 15 in East Jerusalem.

Another 40 Palestinians deported to foreign countries is to include Turkey, Syria and Qatar, Hamas officials.

That was the news about Gilad Shalit Hamas handed over to Israel. may be useful...

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