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Microsoft and Google Latest News

Microsoft and Google Latest News - Microsoft Corp. took out full-age ads in major newspapers Wednesday, slamming privacy policy changes at search rival Google Inc. that allow it to merge user data across its services.

Microsoft offered up its own Web-based alternatives, saying for instance that users of its free email service, Hotmail, don’t have to worry about the content of their emails being used to serve up ads.

The attack ads appeared in papers including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and New York Times. They followed an overhaul of the way that Google handles user data, which the company announced last week. The aim is to streamline more than 70 privacy policies into one main document plus about a dozen others.

The change will allow Google to share user data across services like Gmail, YouTube and its social network, Google Plus, increasing the ability of advertisers to focus their message and target relevant audiences.

“Every data point Google collects and connects to you increases how valuable you are to an advertiser,” Microsoft says in the ad.

continue reading => Microsoft ads slam Google

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