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Facebook Timeline apps take oversharing to a new level

Facebook Timeline apps take oversharing to a new level - Facebook recently launched 60 new apps for Timeline, making "frictionless sharing" more invasive. But, is it going too far?

When Facebook chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg introduced the term "frictionless sharing" last year, it was clear the company was taking off yet another layer of privacy. Sharing our playlist via the Spotify app seemed intrusive, but acceptable. Sharing music with friends can form a bond for like-minded individuals.

These new apps include cooking, running and reading. Are we taking it too far? There's nothing I loathe more than clicking on an article my friend read from the Washington Post, only to be sent to the app. How is that "frictionless"?

Then there are conspiracy theories that Facebook is setting up its structure to better integrate ads, using techniques of behavioral economics.

continue reading >> Facebook Timeline apps take oversharing to a new level

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